Trivia players using our software chat programmes are advised to select their own nickname before entering any trivia games chat rooms as Triviabot assigns and records scores to individual names, therefore if you are new to playing trivia in Knight or Ancilechat any score you accumulate using the random nickname is lost because we are unable to transfer these points.
What is Different About Our Rooms Apart From The Trivia bot Itself?
There are several differences between the two trivia rooms. for example in Ancilechat Trivia you will find a Jackpot trivia quiz game. Trivialbot's jackpot trivia asks questions to players and these quiz questions have a random points.
Trivia games players who are unable to answer a question asked, points from that question are stored by Trivbot (in a jackpot pot) and each time a question is unanswered more points are added, until at random Trivia bot asks a jackpot question which has a high points value.
Points reduce as hints are given by Trivbot to current questions asked.
In our Knight trivia room triviabot is different to Thor^ in Ancilechat. Why not try each room and see which you prefer?