Both of our rooms are friendly places to be and we strive to keep them clean, friendly and suitable for all of the family

Our hosts look after the rooms voluntary and give many hours willingly. All in all, Play Trivia chat rooms have been around for a long time and hopefully will be here for many years to come.



How Trivia Trivbot Chat Rooms Started

Playtrivia has been running since October 2001 and was started by IC. The trivia chat room called #All_New_Trivia was born, which is the one you all know and love on Ancilechat.

#All_New_Trivia on Knight server started in January 2006 and offered an alternative place for people to play with a different bot.

Each room runs a different bot - Ancile Chat with triviabot and Knight trivia with a Bogus bot. Both have the same colours but the scoring system is very different, as are the hints. Hopefully this will give our players more choice and they can join whichever room they favour.

Both Trivia Chat Rooms are doing well with many new Trivia players, as well as our regular players some of whom have been playing trivia many years. Links to both rooms can be found under the "Play Trivia" menu tab on our play trivia page.

Both rooms have a 99.95% uptime. This means there will always be somewhere to play trivia or chat in a clean and friendly environment. Obviously some things can't be planned for, such as power cuts, but our trivia rooms are staffed by friendly hosts who are there to assist new players.

Swift from the UK is the current owner of both rooms and there are others in each room who are there to help our guests whenever needed. The rooms were originally started by IC but work demands meant he had to spend more and more time away until trivia became too much too handle.

Who trained the owner(s)?

IC was trained as a sysop on the ircx-city server and worked as a full sysop on, answering questions from and assisting members of the public. IC, in turn, trained Swift who also worked a great deal behind the scenes as well as playing in the room, getting to know players and being first "port of call" for any serious problems which may arise.

Occasionally we advertise for trivia chat room hosts, we then select hosts from the applications recieve. Getting selected depends on our requirements at the time, for example which country you live in, how often and for how long you have been a trivia player are just some of the things taken into account before you can be accepted as a trivia host.

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